What I've got, as mentioned in a previous post, is this rather nice digital camera and I've been discovering a bit about how to take proper pictures, what with my professional contacts in the industry able to guide me.
It seems sensible to me, then, to publish on the blog any which have worked out OK. What we're looking for, of course, is not quick snaps of babies, etc. but pictures which are heading towards artistic quality; pictures which make you want to look at them. Feel free to comment on what you like and don't like but remember that I prefer comments of a generally optimistic nature!
So let's start with one taken on 23 Jan in the early evening. It was actually getting pretty dark and so I used a 10 second exposure and shot from a low angle to achieve the lighting and framing I wanted.
Generally optimistic: very lovely;
but is that the moon / a star or just a flash reflection? ;-)
Sorry, I may get flash reflection on some of the discarded images but they NEVER appear on my blog! It is the moon, Kate!
I fink its luvly
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