Friday, July 28, 2006

Spot the odd one out!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Dear me, I can't cope with all this user friendly stuff! Why won't it let me just do what I want?

Any-road-up, apparently I've ordered a new sofa. I'm not quite sure what happened; I went to order a specific one in a particular finish and ended up ordering a different one in a different finish!

This is just one of those things we men have to live with!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Oh dear, I'm supposed to be the IT expert round here and it seems that all my relations are now blog-enabled and I'm not!

I can't say that there's much I'm likely to want to add here but at least I can build my own links to other blogs cos I know how to! :-)

Helen's Blog
Alex's Blog
Sonia's Blog

And for anyopne here that might be having computer problems, you may find some answers on my 'CallonKen' website...

Call on Ken